Friday, April 19, 2024

第十四课 一个破碎的家

读经 创25:10-28:


然而,仅是因为神将一个男人和一个女人连在一起,并不表示撒旦不能破坏这个家庭关系。请记 住,这是一个创世纪的书的主题:神建立美好的事物,但后来,人类使他们混乱。就这样,事件 在这里再一次发生:不久将有一个爱的严重缺乏,驱动着父母和子女之间的楔子。先是,以撒和 利百家没有小孩,所以,以撒祈求神。 终于,在他们结婚二十年时,他们有了两个儿子。我们不 知道以撒祷告多长时间:他足足祷告了二十年,还是他们等了很长时间,等待祷告得着答应?当 利百加怀孕,在她的腹中比预期还要更多的挤和踢。所以,神向她显现说,在她里面孕育的是两 个民族的父亲,已经在为统治而战。 神告诉她后出来的比先出来的强。这已经开始显明当孩子们 出生:第二个男孩要抓哥哥的脚后跟好像他要先出来一样。小的不是身体上的强壮,而是当他长 大时要用欺骗击打他的哥哥。

所以,先出生的叫“以扫”;后来又叫“以东”,也是一个由他而生的一个民族的名字。“以扫” 意思是“毛”,因为他出世时,就好像猴子似的满身是毛。“以东”意思是“红” 似乎是指他的 火热,热情的性格。弟弟叫“雅各”也许有些如“愿神保守或祝福”的意思。然而,听起来和 “抓后跟”差不多,后来把他的出生和他后来的欺骗人的伎俩(如从后面绊倒人)连起来想。后 来神把他的名字改为“以色列”,因在雅各多年的挣扎中,他能够成为出人头地,与神同在。

神掌管一切,即使雅各不是一个很好,很可爱的兄弟,神仍然拣选他来成就祂的大计划。雅各不 相信神,不等神完成祂的计划,相反,他试图用欺骗和诡诈操纵人和事。但是,神依然决定透过 以撒的种来建立祂的国度。 雅各变成以色列,并且以色列也成了神拣选的人的父亲。以色列的儿 子们就是给世人的,神的国度的子民的一幅图。

现在我们已经介绍了以扫和雅各,我们将看到争战是怎样继续在他们年轻阶段。如果当时的文化 和当时的地方给予先出生的儿子很大的优势,神又是怎样使弟弟更重要?神不会倚靠人的行为来 成就未来的事件;有时,祂用人来做成祂的工,但另些时候,祂将人的努力彻底翻转;在雅各的 生命中,我们也能看到这点。雅各力图用他的诡计控制事件,但最终给他带来的恶果,就像表面 对他有利一样多。神掌管一切,但这要雅各花很多年的时间,他才认清这点。

雅各也许从他的妈妈那儿听到神对兄弟之间的竞争和斗争的结果。所以,雅各就等待这样的时机, 使势态可以按照有利于他的方向扭转,通常,他都是呆在房子里或附近,而以扫就是一个户外活 动者,喜欢打猎。所以,有天傍晚,好像时机成熟了:以扫刚从远途打猎回到家,他很累,而且 又饥又渴。在那时,雅各很警觉,他刚刚准备了可口的菜炖扁豆。所以,以扫就哀求他给他食物; “哦,把那红色的东西给我吧!”(注意他后来的名字!)。雅各就利用他哥哥要求不平等的交 易。“行,但是你要把你长子的权利给我”。以扫满不在乎;填饱肚腹是他首要关心的,他也没 心情去讨价还价。所以,再次证明,最终事情的发展有利于小儿子。

雅各明白,取得以扫的承诺不算什么。但雅各甚至他的父母都不明白,取得神的应许才是一切。 当儿子们长大了,以扫忽略了文化(他父母对他娶妻的要求),和神的警告(不要和迦南女子通 婚),所以,他娶了当地的女子;以撒似乎没有反对,他想为他自己的缘故祝福儿子成家。所以, 他要以扫出去打猎再为他准备美味鹿肉牛排。然后给以扫“长子的祝福”。 显然,老父亲有这样 的权柄,他的祝福仪式也是有用的;这是预言——神的话要成就。

以撒已经老眼昏花。他对神说的话,雅各要管辖以扫,也不记得了,但是他的妻子却听到他对以 扫说的话,她知道!也许以扫是父亲的挚爱,但雅各却是母亲的心肝!然而,利百加没有告诉她 丈夫,提醒他神说的话。她反而与雅各共谋以保证雅各得着祝福,这祝福是以扫先前轻看的。她 带头并承担欺骗的责任,而雅各却成为帮凶。

她计划好一切!以撒也许眼瞎,但他仍然有听觉,嗅觉和触觉。利百家没办法改变雅各的声音, 但她可以想办法在其他方面骗她丈夫。所以,雅各穿上以扫的外衣,同时将手臂和颈子用羊的毛 皮盖住好像哥哥的皮肤。利百加准备好佳肴,刚好就是以撒喜欢的味道。所以,雅各进了父亲的 房骗取了对哥哥的祝福。

很多次以撒都在犹豫;很奇怪。他没想到以扫回来这么快,而且声音像雅各的声音......,但是,所 有其他的感觉又证明雅各说的话:“我是你的长子以扫!”是真的,所以,以撒吃完了,他就给 他的小儿子最美的祝福。想想以扫,他把最美的祝福卖给了雅各。

过了好一会儿,以扫回来了,他准备了佳肴,期望得到祝福。 然而,很快,当他和他的父亲发觉 被欺骗时,他的心情急转直下,黑暗痛苦油然而生。以扫现在意识到这件事的意义:他和他的后 裔的未来将永远被他弟弟的欺骗打上烙印!他三次祈求他的父亲给他祝福,但最终,当他父亲说 话时,听起来好像是一个咒诅:所有的福气都已经给了雅各,那个“抓”,那个骗子!

所以,以扫恨他弟弟偷了他的好运,并且计划要等以撒去世后就杀他。那么一个死人就不能来统 治他了,那么这种可怕的事情就可能不会发生了。但是,利百加却再次感到雅各的危险,所以, 她就安排雅各逃跑。她就向他丈夫抱怨以扫那迦南的妻子。当然,利百加这样做并不是出于敬虔 的动机,但神却用她的抱怨摇醒了以撒,提醒他的职责!所以,亚伯拉罕的儿子终于清楚地看见: 神多么想建立祂的国,以及多么想这蒙福的种子保持纯洁,与迦南的诅咒分开!

是的,以撒就想从他父亲亚伯拉罕为他娶妻的地方找个媳妇!终于,以撒担起族长的角色,敬虔 的领袖,叫雅各马上去哈兰地找妻子。 是的,神将祝福他小儿子成为一大族承受神向父亲亚伯拉 罕应许之地!

当以扫听闻这事以后,他以为所有这一切都关他的妻子的问题,所以,他就另娶了以实玛利的女 儿为妻。


当然,这故事告诉我们,亚伯拉罕的儿子并不是总是与神同行的优秀子民。他的儿子几乎忘了他 们家庭意义何在:神拣选人要在地上重建祂的国!他预备为那娶了迦南女子的儿子祝福是违背神 的话语,不符合神的旨意!

故事告诉我们,一个民族的父亲(雅各后来改名为以色列)并不是一个相信神的敬虔的年轻人。 他总是用诡计和骗术为自己得着最好的!不,不,不,当神拣选雅各成为祂的子民的父亲时,他 就不再这样,因为他变得非常良善,敬虔的人!

然而,我们也看到——无论人是多么地软弱和犯罪——神的计划不容拦阻。神能用人和受造物的 破碎来医治他们并重建祂的子民!亚伯拉罕的儿子也不能阻止亚伯拉罕的真正的儿子的降生的那 一天!亚伯拉罕的儿子被他自己的子民杀害,却将新的生命赐给万民,拯救他们脱离死亡!

雅各离开了家。他要长大成人。在拉班的领地,这骗子反过来要被欺骗,但神要祝福他建立神的 子民:以色列十二支派!虽然雅各没有寻求神,神却亲自寻找他,训练他成为不同的人!当—— 已经是二十年以后——雅各回来,他就是以色列!


  1. 1  利百加对雅各保证:咒诅归到我身上。 那么,在某种程度真的发生了;她失去了她亲爱的儿 子!并且,在这故事以后再也没有被提及。

  2. 2  以东将设法摆脱他弟弟的枷锁。很显然,最后实现了, 如王下 8:2022

3 比较亚伯拉罕、雅各、以撒的敬虔本性。有何发现?

Jacob and Laban by Jean Restout II 

Lesson 14. A Broken Family

Read: Genesis 25: 10 28: 9.

In the previous lesson we learned how God directed Abraham’s servant as well as Rebecca and her family to bring Isaac and Rebecca together. They were to bring forth Abraham’s seed so that God’s promises for all creation would be fulfilled in the restoration of the Kingdom of God.

Yet, just because God brings a man and a wife together, this does not mean that sin and Satan cannot mess up this family relationship. Remember, it is a major theme in the book of Genesis: God builds something beautiful, but then humans mess it up. And so it happened here again: soon there will be a serious lack of love that drives a wedge between the parents and between their children. First Isaac and Rebecca were unable to get children, so Isaac prayed to God. Two sons were born when they had been married for twenty years. We don’t know how long Isaac had been praying: did he wait almost twenty years, or did they have to wait for a long time to see the prayers answered? When Rebecca got pregnant, there was more jostling and kicking in her womb than would be expected, so God revealed to her that inside her were the fathers of two separate nations, who were already struggling for domination. God told her that the one born last would end up as the stronger one. This already began to show when the boys were born: the second boy clamped his little fist around the older brother’s heel as if he wanted to prevent his earlier birth. The younger one was not physically the strongest, but as he grew older he tried to use tricks to beat his older brother.

So, the first born was called “Esau”; later “Edom”, which was also the name of the nation that came from him. “Esau” means “hairy”, because at birth already he had somewhat of a monkey-look with his hairy skin. “Edom” means “red” and seems to refer to his fiery, passionate nature. The younger one was “Jacob” which may have meant something like “May God protect or bless”. Yet, the word sounds very similar to the word “heel grabber”, which was later used as reference to his birth and his later tricks to cheat people (as in tripping someone from behind). Later God changed his name to “Israel”, for in Jacob’s struggle of many years he had managed to become successful among people and with God.

God is in control, and although Jacob is not a nice and loving brother, God still chooses him in his big plan. Jacob does not trust in God and wait for Him to fulfill his plans. Rather, he seeks to manipulate people and events by cheating and the use of tricks. Still, God decides to build His Kingdom through Isaac’s seed. Jacob becomes Israel, and Israel will be the father of God’s chosen people. The sons of Israel will be the tribes of the people that are to give the world a picture of the Kingdom of God.

Now we have been introduced to Esau and Jacob, we will see how the struggle continues in their youth. How will God make the younger more important, if the culture of the time and place would give great advantage to the first born son? God does not depend on human actions for the future outcome of events. Sometimes he works with people, but other times he turns their efforts upside down. In Jacob’s life we see this too. Jacob tries hard to control the events by his clever tricks, but in the end the tricks work just as much against him as they appear to work in his favor. God is in control, but it will take Jacob many years before he will submit to this.

Jacob has probably heard from his mother what God had said about the sibling rivalry and the outcome of the struggle. So, Jacob waits for the moment that he can turn events in his favor. He normally stays in and around the house, while Esau is an outdoorsman who likes to go on hunting trips. So, one evening it all seems to work out for him: Esau just got home from a long and tiring hunting trip. He is tired, and he is starving. Meanwhile, Jacob is alert and he has just prepared a tasty dish of lentil stew. So, Esau begs him to give him food; “Oh give me from that red stuff over there!” (Remember the reference to his later name!). And Jacob takes advantage of his brother by demanding an unfair trade. “Ok, but you give me your rights as first-born son”. Esau does not care; to fill his stomach is his first concern, and he is in no mood to bargain over the price. And so, there has been another confirmation that in the end things will work out in the favor of the younger son.

To have Esau’s promise means nothing; Jacob realizes this. To have God’s promise means everything; Jacob does not realize this and neither do his parents. As the boys get older, Esau ignores the culture (of involving the parents in choosing his wife) and God’s warning (for not getting intermarried with the Canaanites), so he takes a wife from the surrounding people. Isaac does not seem to object, and he wants to bless his son in building a family for himself. So, he suggests to Esau that he go out hunting to prepare for him once more a delicious venison steak. Then he will give Esau the proper “first-born- blessing”. Apparently, it was understood that this ceremonial blessing of an old father had great significance and power: it was seen as prophecy- a word of God that would certainly come true.

Isaac is already an old man, and he is blind. He is also blind to God’s word that Jacob will rule over Esau. But his wife has heard his words to Esau, and she knows! Esau may be his father’s favorite, but Jacob is mother’s boy! Yet, Rebecca does not talk to her husband, reminding him of the word of God. Rather, she conspires with Jacob to secure for Jacob the blessing that Esau had despised earlier. She takes the lead and the responsibility in the deceit, but for Jacob it will become an example to follow.

She has it all figured out! Isaac may be blind, but he still has his sense of hearing, smell and touch. She cannot change Jacob’s voice, but she has thought of a way to trick her husband’s other senses. So, Jacob dresses in Esau’s clothes, while his arms and neck are covered with goat skin to resemble his brother’s hairy skin. Rebecca has prepared a meal, just the way that Isaac likes it. And so, Jacob enters his father’s room to deceive him for his brother’s blessing.

Several times Isaac hesitates; something is strange. He had not expected Esau back so soon, and the voice is like his younger brother’s... Yet, all the other perceptions confirm the words: “I am your first- born son Esau!” So, after he has eaten of the food, he gives his son the most excellent blessing. Thinking it is Esau, he gives the highest blessing to Jacob.

Sometime later Esau returns, and he prepares the venison in anticipation for his blessing. Yet, soon his good mood turns to dark bitterness when he and his father recognize the grand deception. Esau now realizes the significance of this event: the future of him and his offspring has been sealed by the tricks of his younger brother! Three times he begs his father to bless him also, but when at last his father speaks, it sounds more like a curse: all the best things have been promised to Jacob, the heel grabber; the cheater!

So, Esau hates his brother for stealing his good fortune, and he plans to murder him after Isaac has passed away. A dead brother cannot rule over him, and so this terrible event may be undone. Yet, once again, Rebecca realizes the danger for Jacob, so she arranges his safe escape. She complains to her husband about Esau’s Canaanite wives. Rebecca does not do so from a godly motive, but God uses her complaint to shake Isaac awake and to remind him of his responsibilities! So finally, Abraham’s son sees clearly: how God wanted to preserve for Himself a Kingdom, and how the seed of blessing had to remain pure and separate from the Canaan’s curse!

Yes, Isaac wants for his son a bride from Haran! So finally Isaac takes the role of patriarch, and in godly leadership he tells Jacob to go at once to find a wife from Haran. Yes, God will bless his younger son to become a great family that is to take possession of the land promised to father Abraham!

When Esau hears what has happened, he seems to think it was all about his choice of wives, so he takes for himself another wife from the daughters of Ishmael.

What does the story tell us?

Well, it shows that Abraham’s children were not wonderful people who always walked with God. The son of Abraham had almost forgotten what their family was all about: God’s chosen people to restore His rule on earth! He was prepared to give his blessing to the son who married Canaanite women, against the word and will of God.

It shows that the father of the nation (Jacob’s name is later changed to Israel) was not a godly young man who trusted God. By trickery and manipulation he tried to get the best for himself! No, when God chose Jacob as father of His people, he did not do so because he was such a good or godly person!

Yet, we also see that in spite of all the human weaknesses and sins- God continues with his plan. God can and does use the brokenness in creation and humans to heal creation and restore his people! The children of Abraham cannot prevent that one day the Son of Abraham will be born! And Abraham’s Son will be murdered by his own people to give new life to all creation and to save his people!

Jacob leaves home. He will have to grow up into a man. In the land of Laban the deceiver will be deceived, yet God will bless him to build His people: the twelve tribes of Israel! And although Jacob does not seek God, God Himself will seek him and train him to become a different person! When after some twenty years- Jacob will return, he will be Israel!

Food for Thought

  1. 1  Rebecca assures Jacob: the curse is mine. Well, in a way this happened; she lost her beloved son! Also, she is no longer mentioned in the remainder of the story.

  2. 2  In the end, Edom will manage to throw off the yoke of his younger brother. Apparently this was fulfilled, as described in 2 Kings 8: 20, 22.

  3. 3  Compare the godly characters of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac. What is happening?

  4. Jacob and Laban by Jean Restout II 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

第十三课 以撒选妻

读经 创 24

在前面的课程里,我们学到迦南人因他们的生活方式和他们的宗教而受到神的咒诅。他们的交合 崇拜,是神憎恨的,但是几个世纪过去,他们一点也没有改变。神知道,这种情况将会恶化,直 到他们准备接受审判(像所多玛城一样),因此祂已应许将地赐给亚伯拉罕的后裔。经过漫长的 岁月,看起来亚伯拉罕好像没可能有孩子,直到最后——年纪老迈——亚伯拉罕和撒拉收到他们 的应许之子:以撒。

我们必须感到这之间的冲突:亚伯拉罕的种子(女人的后裔 创 3),是住在被诅咒的迦南人(蛇 的后裔)中间。亚伯拉罕完全知道这其中的危险,他预先采取将二者分开。亚伯拉罕面临一项紧 急的任务,就是要保护他的儿子的支派,尤其现在撒拉又离世了。 所以,他就派他的仆人去到他 的北方亲戚中为以撒娶妻以避免同迦南人通婚。然而,他既必须要避免同迦南人通婚,他也要保 证他的子孙不能回到以前的地方,那地是神呼召他出来的地方。所以,以撒的新娘就必须愿意离 开她的家而去到亚伯拉罕的帐篷。

亚伯拉罕指派他最信任的仆人,也许是以利以谢(创 15:12)去为他的儿子以撒寻妻。 他说得 很清楚,以撒不可以娶迦南的女子为妻,并且以撒也必须留在神应许赐给他的子孙的这片土地上。 这位仆人并没有空着手出去;他就像一位强大的国王的大使一样,带着一帮人马和十头骆驼随行! 这是往北地,亚伯拉罕去迦南以前曾住过的地方的大篷车旅行!

当他们到达目的地时,大篷车停在哈兰城外。时机和地点都准确,因这时正是那些年轻的女子出 来打水喂他们的羊群的时间。但是,这位仆人并不仅仅是依赖环境,他祷告求神的带领和祝福他 的主人亚伯拉罕。他做了非常具体的祷告;当他要水喝的时候,那女子必须自愿给他们并且供应 那些渴了的动物水喝。那她就是神为亚伯拉罕儿子以撒选的新娘的印证!在《创世纪》里,我们 从来没有读过像这样的祷告!

当他祷告的时候,有一位到了婚嫁年龄的貌美女子就来到井旁。当这仆人要水喝时,她真的就给 了他水并且还喂了他的动物......直到他们满足了。 也许你不知道她做的这种奉献,她的热情意味 着她可能要打好几百升水;这份工作,可能需要几个小时才能完成!

当她完成这项工作时,亚伯拉罕的仆人给了她很贵重的礼物,而且问她能不能在她家里过夜。他 得知女子的名字叫利百家,父亲是以撒的表亲,所以他赞美神祝福他的旅程,并把他带到正确的 地方。同时, 利百家,跑回家,告诉家人他们的遇见并准备住宿的地方。 显然,她的父亲做不了 主,反而是她的哥哥做出决定。然而,拉班首先关注的不是款待这个仆人而是想从他那里得到财 富。

当他们(包括所有的随行人员和动物)全到了利百加的家庭农庄时,亚伯拉罕的仆人还是坚持要 在吃饭前把他的来意告诉大家。所以,他就告诉他们事情的原委——如亚伯拉罕承诺的——神已 经祝福了他的这次旅程。所以他要求他们首先给个答复:利百加是否可以与他回去嫁给他主人的

儿子为妻?那男子就回答说:“我们能说什么呢?这是神的旨意,当然是好的!那就按照神的旨 意,带走利百加,让她嫁给你主人的儿子为妻吧!”

所以,仆人再次感谢神,然后拿出他带来的礼物;所有用来做嫁妆的。之后他们欢喜快乐地度过 那个夜晚。但是,第二天,那个男主人试图推迟回程,要留利百加再住十天。即使这种要求不是 不合理,但仆人还是坚持要尽快离开。那男主人就说要问利百加是否已准备好和他们一起离开。 故事使我们相信,利百加已承诺准备离开。

显然,利百加的家庭也是相当富有,因为她有她贴身的乳母以及几个女仆陪嫁。旅途快到终点时, 他们遇到以撒,在庇耳*拉海*莱井,夏甲曾在这里感叹:“我看到了那看顾我的!”(创 16:1314)有趣的是,利百加看到以撒,就蒙住脸不叫以撒看见她。 但神眷顾亚伯拉罕的儿子。利百加 成了以撒的妻子,他爱她。


  1. 1  思想亚伯拉罕的仆人:他不是被动,他却完全倚靠神。 虔诚的人祷告并相信神,同时按照 神的旨意行事。神掌管并带领各方,即使有些可能是出于自私的动机,但神不会允许这些 事情来拦阻祂的计划的实现。再从圣经和一个(个人)的历史中举一个例子,。

  2. 2  然而,这不也是另一个“儿子的新妇”的故事吗:神的国度建立在这地上最基本的就是要 选择对女子。这个女子要成为以色列的母亲!透过她,应许的拯救弥赛亚要来战胜撒旦并 永远统治神的国!所以,代表人类的亚伯拉罕和他的仆人在整个事情上的忠诚与神的供应 (有主权的供应)都一样重要!双方是相辅相成的;通过对圣经的学习,我们晓得神是怎 样地掌管一切,人类始终要负积极的责任,承担他们决定的真正后果!这是奥秘,但它是 我们必须要学习和领受的,如果我们要相信神和祂给我们的启示。

  3. 3  这故事就好像神话一样。但即使被称作“天作之合”,也不能担保以后的好的家庭生活和 一“幸福快乐的日子。。。。。。”不久,我们就知道撒旦和罪破坏了神所赐的礼物。一 切的礼物带来喜悦,但也意味着人的职责。神赐给人类的一些最大礼物是什么,他们曾如 何被滥用?

Lesson 13 A Wife for Isaac

Reading: Genesis 24

In the previous lessons we have learned how the Canaanites have been cursed by God because of their lifestyle and religion. Their fertility cult is hated by God, but over the centuries there is no change for the better. God knew that this situation would deteriorate until they would be ready for judgment (like Sodom), so he promised their land to Abraham’s offspring. For a long time it seemed that Abraham would not have any children, until finally in old ageAbraham and Sarah received their promised son: Isaac.

We must sense the conflict: Abraham’s seed (the seed of the woman, Gen.3) is dwelling among the accursed Canaanites (the seed of the serpent). Abraham is fully aware of the danger, and he takes precautions to separate himself and his people from Canaan. Abraham faces the urgent task to secure a bride for his son, especially now Sarah has passed away. So, he sends his servant to find a wife among his relatives ‘up north’ in order to avoid intermarriage with Canaan. Yet, just as he must avoid intermarriage with Canaan, he also must ensure that his son will not return to the land from which the Lord has called them. So, Isaac’s bride-to-be must be willing to leave her family to live in Abraham’s tents.

Abraham calls his most trusted servant, perhaps Eliezer (see chapter 15: 1, 2), for a mission to find a wife for his son Isaac. He makes it clear that Isaac is not to marry a Canaanite woman and that he must remain in the land that God has promised to their offspring. The servant does not go empty-handed; he travels like the ambassador of a mighty king, with a number of other men and an entourage of ten camels! This caravan travels north to the land where Abraham lived before his travel to the lands of Canaan.

When they arrive at their destination, the caravan stops outside the town of Haran. Time and place are right, for this is when and where the young women meet to water their family’s flocks. However, the servant does not only or primarily rely on the circumstances, he prays specifically for God’s guidance and blessing for his master Abraham. He makes a very specific request; when asked for a drink, Isaac’s future wife must volunteer to get water for the whole group of thirsty animals. That will be God’s sign that she will be God’s chosen bride for the son of Abraham! Never before in Genesis did we read about such prayer!

While he is in prayer, a good-looking girl of marriageable age approaches the well. When he asks her
for a drink, she indeed offers to get water for him as well as for his animals... until they have had enough. You may not realize the kind of commitment she makes, for camels can drink and store huge amounts of water. Therefore she may have to get many hundreds of liters of water; a job that could take hours to complete!

When she has finished the job, Abraham’s servant gives her a precious gift and asks if he could spend the night at her family’s place. He learns that the girl’s name is Rebecca and that her father is one of Isaac’s cousins, so he praises God for blessing his journey to bring him to the right place. Rebecca, meanwhile, runs home to tell her family of the meeting and to prepare accommodations. Apparently

her father is incapable of running the household, for it is her brother who takes the initiative. Yet, Laban’s first concern is not to provide hospitality to the man but to gain some of his wealth.

When they arrive at Rebecca’s family farm, all men and animals are provided for. But, Abraham’s servant insists to share his story before starting on the meal. So, he tells them all that has happened, and how as Abraham had promised- the Lord had blessed him on his mission. So, he requests that they first answer him: Will Rebecca come with him and marry his master’s son? The men reply: “What can we say? It is the Lord’s will, so it is good! Take Rebecca, so she may marry your master’s son, according to the will of God!”

So, the servant again thanks God, and then he brings out his gifts; a great dowry with presents for all. Afterwards they enjoy the evening and spend the night. The next day, however, the men of the house try to delay the departure and request that Rebecca stay for another ten days before she leaves. Although this request was not unusual, the servant insists that they leave soon. The men suggest they ask Rebecca if she is prepared to go with him. The story gives credit to Rebecca for her ready commitment to leave.

Apparently, Rebecca’s family is fairly wealthy too, for she has her personal wet nurse as well as several maids, which accompany her as she leaves. Near the end of the journey they meet Isaac at Beer Lahair Roi, the well where Hagar exclaimed “I have seen the One who sees me!” (16: 13, 14) Interestingly, Rebecca sees Isaac, but then she covers her face to avoid him seeing her. Yet, the Lord looked after Abraham’s son. Rebecca became his wife, and he loved her.

Food for Thought

  1. 1  Consider Abraham’s servant: he is not passive, yet he fully relies on God. Godly people pray and trust in God, while meanwhile they obediently work in accordance to His will. God controls and guides all parties, and even though some might act from selfish motives, God does not allow this to prevent the outcome that he planned. Give another example from the Bible, and one from (personal) history.

  2. 2  Yet, this is not just another bride-for-a-son story: the selection of the right woman is essential for the proper building of God’s Kingdom on earth. This woman is to become the mother of Israel! Through her the promised Messiah will come to conquer Satan and to rule God’s Kingdom forever! Therefore, the faithfulness of Abraham and his servant are just as important as the human side of events as God’s providence (controlling providing)! The two sides do not exclude each other; throughout the Bible we learn how everything is ruled by god, while humans always maintain an active role of responsibility, in which they make decisions with real consequences! This is a mystery, yet it is one we must learn to accept if we are to trust God and His revelation to us.

  3. 3  The story goes like a fairy tale. Yet, although it may be called “a match made in heaven”, this is no guarantee of a good family life and a “happily ever after...” We will soon learn how Satan and sin can spoil a good gift of God. Any gift gives joy, but it also implies a mandate, a responsibility. What are some of the greatest gifts of God to humankind, and how have they been abused?

第十二课 亚伯拉罕的真儿子: 帐幕里的笑

读经: 创 162122

看起来对亚伯拉罕和撒拉来说是不可能还有小孩的。他们都已经太老了。 撒拉的身体告诉她再也 不可能怀孕。 所以,她认为神对亚伯拉罕会有儿子的应许并不一定意味着撒拉将是母亲。所以, 她建议用夏甲做代孕母亲。 因此,亚伯拉罕借用撒拉的婢女,这样神最终就可以赐给亚伯拉罕应 许的儿子了。

然而,撒拉的计划,亚伯拉罕太轻易认同,带来的不是希望的喜乐和满足。也不是神的应许的成 就。 相反,它却导致各方的悲痛和苦难。 然而,中间也有祝福。神祝福并赐予夏甲力量,因她孕 育了“亚伯拉罕的种子”。 注意,创 16:1-16 和创 21:1-21 之间的平行。他们以撒拉的状态开 始(不孕症;生育率),描述撒拉对她的状况的回应。 藉着我们读到关于对(撒拉;她的儿子) 接受神的祝福的讥笑(夏甲;她的儿子),夏甲被赶到旷野,然而,神在那儿与她同在。 她受到 神的应许和祝福(以实玛利的出生;以实玛利的妻子)。以实玛利,作为亚伯拉罕的另一个儿子, 也将孕生一个大族!夏甲经历神的同在和祂的供应。 她承认神知道她,并且神听了她的哭求。

因此,这一经历的结果着实是一个混合的祝福,因它给所有各方带来苦难。然而,神利用这些事 件教导亚伯拉罕和撒拉要相信神可以死里复活。 神也教导婢女夏甲藉着顺服得着自由。

因此,有段时间,在亚伯拉罕的帐篷里有两个儿子:以实玛利(神听见;好像撒母耳记里记载的) 和以撒(笑;文学上:他笑)。神已经听见夏甲的抱怨并且祂注意到她的苦难,以撒给帐幕带来 欢笑; 先前的笑是不信,但后来的笑是为奇妙的恩典,然而,这笑声被以实玛利那轻蔑的笑声打 断,当他半嘲弄地笑他的小兄弟时,撒拉认为这笑是对她的快乐和祝福的威胁,所以她要亚伯拉 罕把他们从家里赶到旷野去。 对亚伯拉罕来说,这事很为难,因为他也爱这个儿子。但神告诉他 们这事必然发生,神自己必保守夏甲和她的儿子。


经过长时间的训练和考验,神给亚伯拉罕最后的考验。那么,亚伯拉罕已经非常清楚知道并相信 神吗?他会为神放弃一切吗?他将----他已经失去他的儿子以实玛利----还愿意牺牲他的儿子以撒, 这个他如此爱着给这帐幕带来欢笑的爱子吗?

当亚伯拉罕还年轻的时候,神就告诉他要他跟从祂去到祂指示他的应许之地。现在神告诉亚伯拉 罕来跟从祂到那山上,在那,神要“告诉他”。这次不是关于赐下儿子的应许而是要求牺牲他的 儿子。亚伯拉罕没有迟疑;第二天一大早他就出发。对旅途中会发生什么,亚伯拉罕也不清楚, 对他的灵魂来说去到山的旅途无疑是三天的黑暗。但是当他到达时,他充满信心地告诉他的仆人, 他和他的儿子必将回来。他把他们留在山下面;旅途充满孤寂且挣扎。他已经学会信靠神,因此 他知道神将会使他的儿子再次死里复活,因藉着这个儿子,神已经应许将有一大族且使万族蒙福! 读来 11:17-19

当小男孩以撒问祭牲羊时,亚伯拉罕再次很有信心地表示神祂会预备;他也会看见它的实现!他 看到了与约的仪式的联系吗?当时神自己走过那割的动物,象征着祂将被破碎,而亚伯拉罕却被 幸免?当亚伯拉罕通过这一考验,神确实供应了一头羊作为祭牲。然而,亚伯拉罕的言语包含了 极大的预言!几千年后,神亲自赐下祂的儿子,在亚伯拉罕献他的儿子的山上,在这山上,神自 有预备!同样,耶稣基督在同一座山上牺牲了自己!神阻止了亚伯拉罕,却没有阻止祂的儿子的 牺牲。全人类都透过亚伯拉罕——“信靠及顺服的榜样”倍受祝福,实在地,亚伯拉罕的后裔, 神的儿子印证了“信靠与顺服”的完全,甚至对死的顺服。 读来 10:5-7




现在,这个儿子降生了,所有的希望都上升了:这个应许的儿子会是怎样的?他会带来怎样的荣 耀和祝福?他是那个蒙神祝福的人的应许之子吗?他是那个透过他万国得祝福的人吗?也许,这 就是“女人的后裔”要征服“蛇的后裔”?!

然而,我们还没有读太多(且我们读了少部分不好的事情)关于这个儿子以撒。这个亚伯拉罕的 真正的儿子在哪里?作为读者,我们感到被欺骗了;神的应许怎样了?希望和期盼的那么高,我 们经历了真空,是一种宿醉(被悬在半空);现在这个应许之子终于来了,他看起来极大的失望!

当然,也许这个故事写出来的目的我们要这样理解。要让我们好奇;也许还有另一个要来?直到 我们读到新约,好像门才被打开:“太惊讶了!祂就是!耶稣基督,祂就是亚伯拉罕的真正的儿 子!祂就是把欢笑带给全世界的人!” 所以,这是对好消息故事的伟大的引言:耶稣基督就是那 位给万民万族带来祝福的人,所有相信祂的话语并跟从祂的,不至灭亡,反被拯救,得着永生!


  1. 1  亚伯拉罕和撒拉以及夏甲的自作主张如何给各方带来麻烦?

  2. 2  读使徒行传,我们看到当犹太人看到犹太人和外邦人一起跟从拿撒勒人耶稣时,犹太人经 常愤怒。他们无法消灭“耶稣运动”;耶稣死后,这个运动继续兴盛并且持续到充满整个 世界!耶稣称呼那些逼迫教会却自称是亚伯拉罕的子孙的那些犹太人是什么? 启3:9

3 该地图显示了大卫(耶路撒冷)城市纲要和圣殿。有人认为,摩利亚山包括圣殿山和墓地 耶稣在那里牺牲。使用谷歌地球(免费下载),了解它们今天出现的地方的位置。

Lesson 12 The True Son of Abraham: Laughter in the Tent

Reading: Genesis 16, 21, and 22

It seems impossible for Abraham and Sarah that they should still receive a son. They are just getting too old. Sarah’s body seems to be telling her that this will no longer happen. So, she decides that God’s promise about Abraham’s son did not necessarily imply that Sarah would be the mother. Therefore, she suggests that Abraham could use Hagar as surrogate mother. So, he “borrows” Sarah’s servant so God could finally give Abraham his promised son.

Yet, Sarah’s proposal, to which Abraham too readily agrees, does not produce the hoped for joy and satisfaction. Neither is it the fulfillment of God’s promise. Rather, it causes grief and hardship for all parties involved. Yet, there are also blessings. Hagar is strengthened and blessed by God, for she does carry “Abraham’s seed.” Notice the parallels between chapter 16: 1 - 16 and 21: 1 - 21. They open with a reference to Sarah’s state (infertility; fertility). It describes Sarah’s response to her situation. Next we read about the mocking (by Hagar; her son) of the meant recipient of God’s blessings (Sarah; her son). Hagar is sent out into the wilderness, yet God is there with her. She receives his promises and his blessings (birth of Ishmael; wife for Ishmael). Ishmael, as “the other son” of Abraham, will also bring forth a great nation! Hagar experiences God’s presence and his providence. She confesses that God has taken notice of her, and that God hears her.

So, the result of this ‘experiment’ is a rather mixed blessing, for it causes hardship for all parties. Yet, God uses these events to teach Abraham and Sarah to trust God that He can raise the dead. God also teaches the slave woman Hagar that she can obtain her freedom through submission.

So, for a while there are two sons in Abraham’s tents: Ishmael (God hears; as in Samuel) and Isaac (laughter; literally: he laughs). God has heard Hagar’s complaint and He has noticed her misery. Isaac has brought laughter to the tent; first the laughter of unbelief, but later the laughter of amazing grace. Yet, Ishmael disturbs this laughter when he laughs a scornful, mocking laugh about his little half-brother. Sarah perceives this laugh as a threat to her joy and blessing, so she wants Abraham to send mother and child out of his household into the wilderness. For Abraham this is a difficult thing, for he loves also this son. But God tells them it must happen. He himself will be looking after Hagar and her son.

The Final Exam for Abraham

After a long period of training and testing, God is giving Abraham one final test. Has Abraham come to know and trust God so much, that he would give up everything for Him? Is he now he has lost his son Ishmael- willing to give up his son Isaac, the one he loves so much and has brought laughter to the tents of Abraham?

When Abraham was young, God told him to follow Him to the land that He would show. Now he tells Abraham to come and follow Him to the mountain that He will “tell him about”. This time it is not accompanied by a promise of the gift of a son, but by a request to give up his son. Abraham does not delay; early the next morning he leaves. He has no idea what will happen during this trip. It must have been three days of darkness for his soul, the journey to that mountain. But when he arrives, he tells his

servants with confidence that both he and his son will return. He leaves the servants behind; the journey is now a lonely struggle. He has learned to trust God so much, that he knows that God will raise his son again from the dead, for it is through this son that God has promised him a great offspring and a blessing for all nations! Read Hebrews 11: 17 19.

When the boy Isaac asks about the sacrificial lamb, Abraham again expresses confidence that God himself will provide the lamb; He will see to it that it will happen! Did he see the link with the covenant ceremony where God Himself went through the cut animals- symbolizing that He would be broken, while Abraham would be spared? When Abraham had passed the exam, God did provide a ram for the sacrifice. Yet, Abraham’s words contained a much greater prophecy! Thousands of years later, God Himself would offer up his Son. Jesus Christ was sacrificed, apparently on the same mountain where Abraham offered up his son, on the mountain where God would provide! God stopped Abraham, yet he did not stop the sacrifice of his own Son. All nations would be blessed through Abraham, the model of “trust and obedience”. And, indeed, one of the sons of Abraham was the Son of God, who demonstrated the perfect “trust and obedience”, even into death. Read Hebrews 10: 5 – 7.

Where is the True Son of Abraham?

So, finally after almost a whole life time of waiting, the promised son of Abraham has come! Even as we read the stories, it seems to take forever, so for Abraham it certainly did!

And now this son has been born, all hopes are raised: what will this promised son be like? What glories and blessings can be expected? He is the son of promise of the man who was blessed so much by God.
Is he the one through whom all nations will be blessed? Perhaps, this might be the “seed of the woman” to conquer “the seed of the serpent”?

Yet, we don’t read so much (and what little we read is not so good) from this son Isaac. Where is this son of Abraham? As readers we almost feel cheated; what happened to God’s promises? With hope and anticipations so high, we experience a vacuum, a kind of hangover: now this son of promise has finally arrived, he seems to be such a disappointment!

Well, perhaps the story was written with the purpose that we should feel this way. It should keep us wondering; is there perhaps another one still to come? Until we come to the New Testament, which seems to throw open the doors, “Surprise! Here He is! Jesus Christ, He is the real Son of Abraham! He is the one who brings laughter to the world!” Therefore, this is a great introduction to the Good News stories: Jesus Christ will be the one through whom all nations will be blessed, for anyone who believes if his words and follows Him, will not perish, but he will be saved and have everlasting life with Him!

Food for Thought

  1. 1  How does Abraham and Sarah’s experiment with Hagar result in problems for all parties concerned?

  2. 2  Read the Acts of the Apostles, and see how the Jews often got furious when they aw how Jews and Gentiles gathered to follow Jesus of Nazareth. They were unable to destroy the “Jesus Movement”; after his death it continued to grow and it will continue to grow until it fills the whole world! What does Jesus call those Jews who claim to be Abraham’s children while they persecute his church? Revelation 3: 9. http://www.

3 The map shows the outline of the city of David (Jerusalem) and the temple complex. It is suggested that Mount Moriah includes both the temple mount and Golgotha, where Jesus died. Use Google Earth (download for free) to find these locations as they appear today.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

第十一课 亚伯拉罕和罗得;所多玛和蛾摩拉的毁灭

读经:创 1314 19

罗得是亚伯拉罕哥哥哈兰的儿子。当罗得还是个孩子的时候,他父亲死了,所以他的叔叔亚伯兰 (自己还是个年轻人)收养了他。因此,当亚伯兰收拾行装从哈兰城去往迦南地时,罗得和亚伯 兰其他的家人,仆人带着财产一同前往。尽管罗得也开始牧羊,但显然,他的性格和叔叔截然不 同,他不会像叔叔那样跟随神。

当迦南地的水草匮乏,不能继续同时供应罗得和叔叔亚伯拉罕的羊群时,他们之间的冲突就凸显 出来。亚伯兰慷慨地让罗得先选,但罗得选择不佳。没有考虑到属灵的危险,他盯上了水草丰美 的绿色山谷。从农业管理角度讲,这似乎是最好的选择,然而结果却是个错误。他的家人选择了 行为变态社会,即使它暴力变态,他的妻子仍然沉迷于这样的社会,罗得失去了他的财富——两 次!第一次是所多玛城被敌人掳掠,第二次是被神毁灭!

所多玛被敌人搜掠,罗得做了可怜的选择;仅仅到达这个城不久就被抓,这记载在《创世记》中 间第一场战役,神使用大的地区的军队联盟攻击肥沃的谷地。假如神是用这种方法来惩罚和警告 他们的罪恶。所多玛和它周边地区的人失去他们的生命或自由和财产。仅仅是因为罗得和他与 “神的朋友”之间的关系为所多玛带来重建和恢复。

第二次,神不再因罗得而容忍罪恶的社会。然而,神要在完全彻底毁灭这城之前,将罗得和他的 家人救出来,亚伯拉罕试图和神谈判,但神肯定地对他说,在这个罪恶的城里甚至连十个义人都 没有!

所以,当神决定毁灭这罪恶之谷时,祂差遣两个天使去拯救罗得和他的家人。这里我们来看一下 当时的社会是怎样的:






罗得看起来从没有从他的社会和经济损失中恢复起来。 他先前从帐篷移到房子,但现在却在洞穴 里止步!当亚伯拉罕繁荣时,他的侄子却像个老隐士一样和他的女儿住在一起,他的女儿们想有 孩子,但却不愿离开她们的父亲,所以就轮流灌醉父亲,与父亲发生性关系。这就是两个重要的 部落的由来:摩押和亚扪。

虽然罗得活得好像很愚蠢,但神还是拯救他,祝福他。 虽然罗得深受所多玛社会影响,但他依然 热情款待并试图保护他的客人的安全。然而,最终神拯救他,是因为罗得和亚伯拉罕的关系。他 将不会是唯一!

所多玛和蛾摩拉成为罪恶的代表。同性恋的暴力行为在圣经里被描述成为无神和自残,造成了人 类罪恶的诅咒的结果。神允许这样的人放弃自然的欲望,失去所有自尊和体面,所以他们与同性 别的人燃烧欲望(罗 1:21-27)。

所多玛和蛾摩拉的毁灭, 画者:约翰 . 马丁(1789-1854)


  1. 1  过去西方国家的人觉得两个同性的人结婚是一件可笑的事,但现在在加拿大和其他西方国 家无视差异却使它合法化,那时,我们有中国朋友来到教会,他们对这种婚姻的新定义很 惊讶。 其中有一位说:“我想要不多久,人就会与他的宠物结婚了?”

  2. 2  这是第二个审判故事。比较挪亚的洪水故事和所多玛,蛾摩拉的毁灭故事。他们有怎样的 相似,他们有怎样的不同?

  3. 3  请读犹大书第四节。将有另一次审判要来。当我们的社会越来越不敬虔,越来越腐败时, 我们如何能站立得稳,并胜过?